Virtual Game On! Gamification for Virtual Meetings

Discover new ways to engage your attendees at your next virtual meeting! Remote games don't have to be time-consuming to create or even all that challenging to be FUN! Here are some suggestions for games you can create in minutes with your current event technologies (video conference platform, event app, survey tools).   

1) Guess Who

Highlight multiple un-named attendees on the gameboard and give hints based on the attendee's profile or speaker’s session or exhibitor’s description.  The Person/s to identify the participant first correctly wins.  Attendees can utilize the app directory or event website to aid in identification of the members.  BONUS: motivates participants to update their app profile to be included in the game.  This game can be on-going by schedule x number of attendees to highlight during breaks throughout the meeting.

2) Membership Feud

Prior to the meeting, take a survey or poll to determine your attendees' top answers, then create a game based on the answers.  Top new normal trends, best type of takeout for Friday night, best movie genre, average number of family walks in a week, first in-office space to re-arrange for social distancing. Survey Says!

3) Never Have I Ever (Rated E for Everyone)

Earn a point for every "yes" answer.  Climb the leader board to notoriety among your peers.  "Never have I have ever attended a conference in my PJs, joined a webinar/virtual meeting from the bathroom, forgot to leave the meeting and still had video going, worn a dress shirt with sweat pants  or shorts for a virtual meeting, answered a question while on mute, etc.”

4) Photo Contests

Members submit photos to the app or share via the video conference and vote on the winning pics.  For example,

  • Picture of home or outdoor office
  • Picture of breakfast or lunch
  • Picture of the new normal work attire
  • Favorite (work appropriate) social distancing meme
  • Favorite place to do a conference call
  • Favorite carryout place to support local businesses

5) Best Quote, Definition, or Excuse

Create a chatroom or use social media to pose a topic or question.  Members post answers and everyone likes the best answers.  Best Quote for Today, Best Excuse for turning off your camera on the virtual meeting, Best definition for "Meetalopagus."


The above are a few creative games to foster fun and engage attendee interaction at your next virtual conference.  Good Luck!

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