How to Develop an Effective Omnichannel Marketing Campaign

How to Develop an Effective Omnichannel Marketing Campaign

Imagine you’re trying to promote an upcoming conference to your association members. You start by filming a video that highlights your past events and creating ads with details about your conference’s location, agenda, and registration instructions.

A member of your marketing team suggests focusing your strategy on Instagram as that’s the platform where you typically see the most engagement. However, another team member proposes leveraging several social media platforms, your website, and direct mail to increase touchpoints with your target audience.

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Lost Members This Year? Here Are 3 Fixes for Associations

Lost Members This Year? Here Are 3 Fixes for Associations

Studies show that association membership is on the rise, a welcome change after rates fell dramatically during the pandemic. Thanks to positive market changes, members’ finances seem to be in a better place, which allows them to continue paying dues. However, there are a few factors that could be harming member engagement, retention, and overall growth.

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4 Creative Ways to Promote Your Membership Incentive Program

4 Creative Ways to Promote Your Membership Incentive Program

Membership incentives are the rewards or benefits that your organization’s members receive for being part of the program. While most of these incentive programs give members exclusive discounts at certain retailers, they can also offer more tailored perks. To create an effective program that encourages them to renew their memberships, donate to fundraisers, and remain active in your organization, it’s essential to connect with members regularly and craft a program that appeals to them.

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Legacy Donor Stewardship for Associations: What to Know

Legacy Donor Stewardship for Associations: What to Know

Legacy giving offers a valuable opportunity for all fundraising organizations that leave lasting impacts on people’s lives—associations included.

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5 Video Content Strategies for Engaging Association Members

5 Video Content Strategies for Engaging Association Members

Since members are your association’s bottom line and main revenue source, it’s crucial to keep them continually engaged in your activities and offerings. However, with their busy personal and professional lives, it can be challenging to find the right ways to maintain their interest in your association outside of meetings.

That said, with a little creativity and digital prowess, you can leverage one of the most powerful tools for member engagement: video. From storytelling to engagement to education, there are many goals your association can achieve by strategically creating video content. In this guide, we’ll review these top video use cases for associations:

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Auction Planning: 5 Steps to Master Event Preparation


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How to Collect and Respond to Member Feedback: 4 Steps


How to Collect and Respond to Member Feedback: 4 Steps

Your association is committed to changing members’ lives for the better, advocating for their rights, and making lasting improvements in your industry. The only way to effectively represent their interests is to collaborate with them, which makes collecting and listening to their feedback crucial.

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4 Benefits of Using Online Waivers for Your Association

4 Benefits of Using Online Waivers for Associations

In recent years, there have been significant fluctuations in association membership rates. Membership seems to be on the rise again with 46% of associations reporting an increase in membership in 2023. However, the volatility of membership rates has forced associations to change the way they approach member recruitment, engagement, and retention, placing more of an emphasis on delivering the value outlined in their membership offerings.

Technology plays an essential role in improving member experiences and association operations. For example, your association most likely relies on (and benefits from) powerful tools like your CRM and association management software to organize data, understand members, and give them the best experiences possible. You can also use technology to improve smaller parts of the member experience, such as event registration and waiver signing.

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Can Charity Gaming help your organization raise funds and achieve goals?

Can Charity Gaming Help Your Organization Raise Funds and Achieve Goals?

Written by Mark Mason, Indiana Gaming Commission

Are you looking for a new stream of non-dues revenue to help your organization achieve its goals and carry out your board’s plans? Have you considered conducting a raffle to raise money for a cause? How about hosting a fun night of bingo to raise scholarship funds? Would you like to host a euchre or poker tournament in your community to help raise awareness and make a financial impact?

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4 Ways to Optimize Your Association's Sponsorship Program

4 Ways to Optimize Your Association’s Sponsorship Program

Association professionals like you know that a lucrative sponsorship program is crucial to your organization’s bottom line. Not only do sponsorships generate important revenue for your day-to-day operations, but they also allow you to strategically plan for the future and expand the important work you’re doing to serve your members. 

If you already have a sponsorship program—great! How can you make it even better? Taking a hard look at the program and finding ways to optimize it has a number of benefits for your association, including, among others, boosting revenue, strengthening partnerships, and broadening your member base. Consistently iterating on and improving your corporate sponsorship programs ensures that you can provide the best experience possible for both members and sponsors.

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Tailor Alumni Communications with Enhanced Data: 5 Tips

Tailor Alumni Communications with Enhanced Data: 5 Tips

Your alumni aren’t the same now as they were when they were students on campus. They’ve grown and changed since graduation, and your alumni communications should reflect that.

The best way to learn about who your alumni are now is through data. Data can provide insight into their latest interests, wealth indicators, and communication preferences.

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Why Stress Relief is Important for Association Professionals

Why Stress Relief is Important for Association Professionals

As an association leader, you have firsthand experience of the rigorous demands of working at an association. Just as you’re busy trying to determine how to add value to your member experience, your team is hard at work growing your organization’s revenue, scheduling networking events, and searching for resources to offer your members.

However, a natural byproduct of their hard work and responsibilities is stress. Defined by the World Health Organization as a “state of worry or mental tension,” stress is a normal part of life as a working professional, but too much of it can lead to lower-quality work and burnout.

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Mastering Leadership Communication to Connect with Members

Mastering Leadership Communication to Connect with Members

Whether you manage a social or professional fraternity or sorority, communicating with members should be one of your top priorities. With all your organization has to do on a daily basis, member engagement activities can unintentionally fall by the wayside. 

Not to worry — these tactics will help you adopt great communication habits and enhance the member experience:

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5 Web Design Tips to Make Your Association Website Stand Out

As an association professional, you understand the value of a strong website design. A well-designed website can help you attract new members, retain existing members, and firmly establish your brand identity online so you can build credibility for your organization. 

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Growing Your Association's Non-Dues Revenue: The Basics

Growing Your Association’s Non-Dues Revenue: The Basics

The idea that all or most of your association’s revenue should come from membership dues is an outdated, inaccurate assumption. According to ASAE, dues made up only 30% of total revenue for professional associations in 2016, a steep drop from 95.7% in 1953. But if your association isn’t experienced with managing multiple revenue streams (or has only just begun to experiment by selling merchandise or event tickets), diversifying your sources of revenue might seem like a large, complex undertaking.

Pursuing new sources of revenue doesn’t have to be complicated, and it’s key to the health of both your finances and membership base. Revenue diversification not only increases your total revenue but also ensures your association isn’t too reliant on a single income source. This means that if one source of income dwindles, you’ll have other, reliable revenue streams available to fill in the gaps.

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Unlocking Growth Potential: The Benefits of Working with a Marketing Agency

Unlocking Growth Potential: The Benefits of Working with a Marketing Agency

Whether you run a small business that's just starting out or an established business looking to expand, working with a marketing agency can help unlock your growth potential. Not only can a team of professionals help you find weaknesses in your current strategy, but they can also use their resources and connections to boost a new plan. In this blog post, the Indiana Society of Association Executives will outline the benefits of working with a marketing agency as you strive to increase your customer base and grow your business.

You'll Get Years of Experience

Working with an agency gives you access to an entire team of professionals who specialize in different areas, such as graphic design, content creation, SEO–which drives organic traffic from search engines–and more. This means that all of your needs are taken care of by experienced professionals who know how to get results. You'll also be able to choose which areas you want to focus on with your strategy, which would be much more difficult with a limited in-house team.

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Designing a Compelling Events Page: 4 Effective Strategies

Designing a Compelling Events Page: 4 Effective Strategies

By: Ira Horowitz

If you want attendees at your association’s events, a compelling Events page on your website is a must. Whether you’re planning a networking event, fundraising event, webinar, or other event, the Events page is one of the most important marketing assets in your toolbox and can make or break your event marketing strategy.

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4 Ways Meeting Planners Can Best Utilize CVBs

4 Ways Meeting Planners Can Best Utilize CVBs

By Visit Hendricks County

When we seek information in the modern age, we typically head straight for Google. And who can blame us for that? If we’re adept keyword searchers, we would get exactly what we seek within seconds.

The primary downfall of this seeking method is information overload. As a meeting planner, it’s likely you juggle a lot of information: event schedules, activities, catering, and piles of bid proposals with countless hotels and event spaces. For those looking for assistance sifting through the information overload, you can turn to the Convention and Visitors Bureau in the destination you’re considering. CVBs can assist your search for that perfect meeting venue.

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Surviving the Pressure Cooker: A look at Gallup’s 2023 Global Workforce Report

Surviving the Pressure Cooker: A Look at Gallup's 2023 Global Workforce Report

By: CJ McClanahan

The constant chase for more has driven us to such elevated levels of stress and anxiety that it’s becoming the stuff of global studies.

Gallup’s State of the Global Workforce: 2023 Report has this to say about stress:

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5 Web Design Tips to Make Your Association Website Stand Out

5 Web Design Tips to Make Your Association Website Stand Out

As an association professional, you understand the value of a strong website design. A well-designed website can help you attract new members, retain existing members, and firmly establish your brand identity online so you can build credibility for your organization. 

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