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Coffee and Conversations | Strategies for Effective Salary Negotiations
Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EST
Category: General Education

Coffee and Conversations
Grab a cup of coffee and join us!

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Coffee and Conversations are virtual, topic-based discussions where our members will hear from subject matter experts in the association industry.  Our speakers will present information relevant to YOU in your role as an association professional.

The quick presentations will be followed by opportunities to connect with other ISAE members to discuss how you’ve addressed related challenges and to learn from each other.

These sessions are FREE for ISAE members. Non-member registration fee is $25. All attendees will receive 1 CAE hour for their participation.

 June 26, 2024 from 9:00 – 10:00am ET


Presenter: Julie Stoelting | Vice President of HR and People Operations, American College of Sports Medicine

Join our webinar, "Strategies for Effective Salary Negotiations," to master the art of negotiating salary and benefits through thorough preparation, clear communication, and leveraging your unique skills and experience. This session will provide you with practical techniques to ensure a positive negotiation outcome while maintaining strong relationships with your employer.

Session takeaways:

  1. Understand how to analyze your position description to build a compelling case for your desired compensation.

  2. Learn tips to clearly and confidently articulate your value and negotiate terms that align with your career goals and the employer’s needs.

  3. Understand that compensation is more than just salary and identify areas that employers can increase compensation that furthers your career. 

If you are interested in serving as a presenter for a Coffee and Conversations session, please contact Grant Carpenter at [email protected]